Saturday, August 29, 2009

byeeeeeee cepi..

cepi, agustus 1995 - agustus 2009
thank you so much for everything ya guguk kecilku yang ga pernah besar..
thank you udah gonggong kenceng dan brisik sampe malingnya cuma brani pecahin kaca aja dan ga jadi colong mobilku..
thank you udah ikut kita ngungsi selama 3 kali banjir..
thank you juga untuk tetep sweet dan ga cemburu waktu bulan lalu rumah kita kedatengan 2 puppies, kaisar & regal..
tataaaaa cepppiiiiiii...

Friday, August 28, 2009

inget enggar

untuk enggar dimanapun berada; yang 9 taun lalu waktu kita nyanyi dan main bareng orkesnya gonzaga menginspirasikan gue untuk belajar flute, thank you.. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


baru sempat posting berita ulangtauuunnnnnnn.... hiehkeheheiehiee.. euuhhh.. after therapy, pulang sehari untuk celebrating my birthday (VERY SIMPLE ONE! bener2 Tuhan denger deh doaku, untuk ga mau ulangtaunan di rumahsakit hihkhhhihiii.. thank you Lord..), then masuk lagi berhari2 sampe tadi malem baru pulang, fiiuuhhhhh... paling enak emang di kamar sendiri yaaaa... i've already bought myself a birthday gift like i usually did.. hihkhhhiiii.. and the hot pink ipod is my choice for the moment! :)
belum sempat having a family dinner, toasts with bestfriends, and so on niiiiy.. nantiiii, ada saatnya :) ini tiup lilin dulu sama alana di rumah hihhkhihiiiiii..

Friday, August 21, 2009

let's pray each other

my special prayers for you both, drv & dra..
i really hope to hear the good news -_-

Thursday, August 20, 2009

tentaranya aku :)

LEKOSIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT berkumpulaaaaahhhhhh... aku udah boseeennnnnn niyyyyyyyyy pengen pulang dan makan2 enaakkkkk nyaaammmmm.... kaptennya kan udah usahain dongkrak niiiiiyyyyyyy ayo ayo up-up-up!!! :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dr. Kildare's themesong

Three stars will shine tonight, one for the lonely
That star will shine its light each time that someone sighs
Three stars for all to see, one for young lovers
That star was made to be the sparkle in their eyes

And, for the third star, only one reason
A star you can wish on to make dreams come true

High in the sky above, three stars are shining
I hope that star of love will shine down on you

And, for the third star, only one reason
A star you can wish on to make dreams come true

High in the sky above, three stars are shining
I hope that star of love will shine down on you

mama: hihhkhkhkhihihkhkhiiiii... *wink to mama*

Saturday, August 15, 2009

cek in cek aut!


Friday, August 14, 2009


thank you Lord Jesus for your forever blessings,
for giving me another year older,
for holding my hand and walk together with me during my good and hard times,
for always being there for me everytime i feel down, pain, lonely and rejected..
i love you Jesus, you're really my bestfriend,
thank you for giving me the opportunity to feel your love even deeper
through the love of my family, friends, doctors, and people around me..
you know what i need, you know what's best for me..
thank you.. i love you

-on my 31st birthday-

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

bless me, Lord

" i put up a fight and told you how to help me
now just when i have given up, the truth is coming clear.."
(you know better than i - joseph king of dreams)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

i love you db

"thank you so much for being who you are.
i learn a lot from you.
i am pregnant now.
may i named the baby your name if it's a girl?"
(8 aug 2009 - 11.25, short message from db)
ouuucchhhh... it's really an honour darling.. :)

malaikat dunia

(seperti tertulis di notes facebook-ku, dengan sedikit tambahan, karena earth-angelku sudah bertambah)

Manusia lahir dari dan demi
suatu keindahan yang bernama cinta.
Beberapa lahir dengan segala kelimpahan,
kelebihan, bakat dan kemewahan.
Yang lainnya lahir dengan kekurangan,
keterbatasan, kemiskinan dan ketidakberdayaan.
Namun Tuhan itu adil,
Ia memberikan semua manusia sebuah harta yang terindah.
"Kebahagiaan" yang menghampiri setiap pemiliknya
cara yang sangat berbeda.
Dan pada saat itulah
malaikat-malaikat terlahir nyata di dunia ini.
Mereka tak perlu sayap untuk terbang
cahaya sebagai penerang.
Karena mereka adalah sayap dan cahaya itu.
Menerangi dan membawa orang lain terbang,
ke langit yang bertepi namun tetap indah.
Malaikat itu tersenyum,
Ia kelihatan sangat bahagia ketika semua orang dapat terbang
Karena dan bersamanya
Perjuangannya tidak gampang
Usahanya tidak sedikit
Kadang ia pun terjatuh
Ada kerut di keningnya, uban di rambutnya,
karena malaikat dunia tidak abadi
Namun wajahnya tetap terlihat begitu cantik
Tangannya begitu lembut dan hangat menenangkan....

(Maria Stephani Taju, Menuju sempurna dengan memberi diri -
dari buku "Biarlah Berbeda dan Saling Mencinta")

malaikat dunia..
inget oom aryo, astrid, nobi, dr.aru, iphoel, dr.andri & dr.vita

fight vs faith

the warrior of the light does not always have faith.
there are moments when he believes in absolutely nothing.
and he asks his heart: "is all this effort really worth it?"
but his heart remains silent. and the warrior has to decide himself.
he looks for an example and remembers that Jesus went through something similar in order to inhibit fully the human condition.
"take away this cup from me," said Jesus. he too lost heart and courage, but he did not stop.
the warrior of the light continues despite his lack of faith. he goes forward and, in the end, faith returns.
(warrior of the light - paulo coelho, p.50)

*thank you dr.andri & dr.vita for the book

Friday, August 7, 2009

cool scarves! :)


toko buku memang selalu menguras dompeeeeeettttt euuuuuuyyyyyy.... senangnya hiahekhekaheiaheia.. deuuhhhhh.. blanja tiga lagi hari ini, bleuurrgghhhh.. dan kemaren ngobrol2 sama lena, gue jadi pengen beli mitch albom yang satu lagi yang tuesdays with morrie..

dari lemon butterfly untuk red dragonfly - curhat 76

kamu berduka lagi sayang,
setelah omar dhani, sekarang ws rendra
(mein aufruchtiges beileid pung..)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bimbang - Melly Goeslaw, AADC

Pertama kali aku tergugah
Dalam setiap kata yang kau ucap
Bila malam tlah datang
Terkadang ingin ku tulis semua perasaan

Kata orang rindu itu indah
Namun bagiku ini menyiksa
Sejenak ku fikirkan untuk ku benci saja dirimu
Namun sulit ku membenci

Pejamkan mata bila kuingin bernafas lega
Dalam anganku aku berada
disatu persimpangan jalan yang sulit kupilih

Ku peluk semua indah hidupku
Hikmah yang ku rasa sangat tulus
Ada dan tiada cinta bagiku tak mengapa
namun ada yang hilang separuh diriku

tiba2 inget Semarang..
'apa kabar ky?'

enjoy - smile - click! :)

i think i need the gypsy earings heeeeeyyyy..! :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

to teach me what i don't want to learn..

Warrior of The Light: Manual - Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

i'm counting my blessings..

soooooooo much.. much.. much..
i thank you Lord for all the love and blessings today, thru all my friends and docs..
thank you dr.wur and fam, dr.andri and dr.vita for cheering up my day with all the attentions, ice creams, cds and book.. aahhhh awesome!! Jesus bless you all.. :)

dari lemon butterfly untuk red dragonfly - curhat 75

hey jangan sakit dragydear..
speedy recovery, the world needs you!


how can i say "no" kalo cuma itu chancenya, dan cuma itu yang ditawarkan..?

Monday, August 3, 2009


hihkkhkhiiii.. not ready yet to put the uncovered version :p~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

excellent first time experience

cukuuurrrrrrrrrr.... hiehkeheheihie..
di pasar, di tukang cukurnya bokap.. jreeennngggg..
jadi mirip budi banget kayanya muka gue niy..
*blum nyali taro foto hihkhkhiiii*

Saturday, August 1, 2009

claddagh ring - Let Love and Friendhsip Reign Forever

di postingan sebelumnya, ada foto gue wearing claddagh ring.. claddagh ring gue dikasih aban waktu gue birthday 2 years ago.. and here's some writing about this ring :)

(taken from

Meaning of the Claddagh ring. What do the Cladagh rings mean?
The meaning of the claddagh ring is what gives the ring it's significance. Over the years the cladagh ring has brought up designs with minor variations, the basic meaning and significance of the Irish claddagh ring has however been retained. The hands of the ring are shown holding the heart and the hands denote friendship and togetherness, the heart itself signifies love and the crown in the claddagh ring stands for loyalty. It is this meaning of the claddagh rings that make them an ideal choice for all occassions, wedding rings, birth stone rings, engagement rings, mothers day rings and rings for just about any other occassion. The deep and true meaning of the Irish claddagh rings has also put them into a group of rings referred to as the faith rings. In today's materialistic world where love, friendship and loyalty are becoming increasingly rarer by the day, the claddagh ring with it's realistic and worthy meaning makes an ideal gift to give and to receive.
In a nutshell the meaning of the Claddagh ring could be summarized as, Let Love and Friendhsip Reign Forever.

Wearing the Claddagh ring. Which hand to wear Claddagh Rings.
The meaning and significance of the Claddagh ring is not just in the crown, heart and clasping hands, it also extends to the hand on which the ring is worn and the direction in which the crown on the ring points. In case of a married or engaged person Claddagh rings are worn on the left hand with the crown pointing away from the (the person wearing the ring) heart. For a person willing to consider love the ring is traditionally worn on the right hand with the crown pointing away from the heart. For a person not interested in starting a relationship the Cladagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing towards the heart.

tribal here, tribal there..

ooouuucccchhhh curvy heyyy.. tribal, batik and the monochrome.. :)


(Performed by Michael Crawford)

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
who abide in His shadow for life,
say to the Lord: “My refuge, my rock in whom I trust!”

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.

The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
and famine will bring you no fear:
under His wings your refuge, His faithfulness your shield.

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.

You need not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day;
though thousands fall about you, near you it shall not come.

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.

For to His angels He’s given a command
to guard you in all of your ways;
upon their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.

thank you dear dr.vita for sending me this song,
as i repeat it on and on in my ipod during my sleep..

rest in peace

rencanaNya lah yang terjadi,
dan waktuNya lah yang terindah..
beristirahatlah dengan tenang papa'aci,
bersama Tuhan Yesus di surga..

rs.sumber waras, 31 juli 2009, 19.15